A large amount and variety of local resources and community activities
are available to educate parents about the need and practice of sun safety.
Some are listed inside. Come see what is available in your area.
The organizations that appear in this resource section do not necessarily
endorse the products appearing in this site. However, all are active participants
in the fight against skin cancer.
American Cancer Society (ACS)
Slip! Slop! Slap! What's that? It's the ACS's slogan to help people remember
to protect themselves from the sun's harmful rays. Slip on a shirt, Slop
on sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) and Slap on a hat. The ACS site has various
resource centers with complete information on causes, risk factors, prevention,
detection, treatment options and diagnosis of numerous types of cancer.
Everyone has questions. Get some answers. Visit
their site
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
Long hours in the sun without proper eye protection increases your chances
of eye disease. The AAO's "EyeNet" provides guidelines for choosing
sun-protective eyewear. EyeNet is a leader in education for ophthalmologists
and other professionals and provides of useful information about eye care
to lay persons as well. AAO's mission is "To advance the lifelong
learning and professional interest of ophthalmologists to ensure that
the public can obtain the best possible eye care." Your eyesight
is a precious gift; learn how to take care of it. Visit
their site
Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation
The goal of the Melanoma Foundation is to encourage young people and
families to protect themselves from melanoma and other skin cancers by
playing it safe in the sun. The Foundation hosts and participates in many
wonderful activities to raise awareness of skin cancer and its prevention
and encourages the practice of sun safety. "Know the Skin You're
In" It's worth it! Visit
their site
SunWise School Program
This program, funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), was
started in response to the serious public health threat posed by overexposure
to the sun. Through the SunWise School Program, the EPA works with schools
and communities across the nation to teach children in elementary schools
and their parents how to protect themselves from overexposure to the sun.
Get your child's school involved. See what other schools have done to
make their school "SunWise." Visit
their site
"Choose Your Cover" Campaign
Sponsored by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, the "Choose Your Cover"
skin cancer prevention campaign teaches about the unknown risks of tanning
and overexposure and promotes the acceptability of skin protection. The
campaign seeks to lower the incidence of skin cancer by disseminating
primary prevention messages. Get involved - "Choose Your Cover".
Visit their site
Sunwise Stampede
The Sunwise Stampede program is a research program developed at San Diego
University. It seeks to encourage parents and children to protect themselves
from UV rays while visiting the San Diego zoo. The Stampede uses a program
of tip sheets, discount incentives, art projects and posted solar protection
signs to encourage sun safety. The Sunwise Stampede resource package will
ultimately be distributed to other zoos throughout the country to encourage
similar programs. Join the Stampede.
Visit their site
Pool Cool
Pool Cool was jointly developed by the University of Hawaii and Boston
University School of Medicine. This intervention program is provided at
public swimming sites to increase awareness, skills, intentions, and practices
for skin cancer prevention among parents, lifeguards, pool managers and
children aged 5-10 years. Be cool at your local swimming pool. Visit
their site
Sunguard Man
The Coalition for Skin Cancer Prevention in Maryland was established
to raise awareness about skin cancer. The Coalition assesses the knowledge
and sun safety practices of children aged 10-13 and their parents. It
educates this group about sun safety practices and the prevention of skin
cancer and aims to make sun-safe behavior part of the routine for the
citizens of Maryland. The Coalition gave birth to "SunGuard Man,"
from the planet Noburnne. Come watch the Adventures of SunGuard Man --
Guardian of Healthy Skin! Visit their
KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit organization that encourages the growth
of vital social networks in communities. KaBOOM!'s mission is to inspire
individuals, organizations and businesses to join together to build much-needed,
safe and accessible playgrounds. KaBOOM!'s Let Us Play Campaign, which
aims to ensure that every child in America has a safe place to play, was
launched at the 1997 President's Summit for America's Future. KaBOOM!
plans to build, renovate or provide technical assistance to develop 1,000
community-built playgrounds by the end of the year 2001, with its focus
on "child-rich, playground-poor" cities. A feature of KaBOOM!'s
playgrounds is their shade areas, which offer children shelter from the
sun. See if KaBOOM! has visited your neighborhood, or better yet, see
how you can get involved in this wonderful cause. Visit
their site
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
Safe sun practices are important for everyone, but especially for our
children as 80% of the sun's damage to the skin occurs during childhood
and adolescence. A recent survey conducted by the AAD revealed that not
enough of us are following the most basic sun exposure precautions. An
alarming number of parents admitted never using sunscreen to protect their
children. The AAD offers online information resources for both patients
and medical professionals. Learn more about your skin and the sun, as
well as other skin disorders. Visit their
site. Take care of your skin.
The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation
Albinism is a hereditary lack of pigmentation. People with albinism are
in a high-risk group for sunburn and skin cancer. NOAH is a U.S.-based,
non-profit, tax-exempt organization operated by volunteers. It provides
information and support regarding albinism and related conditions, promotes
education about these conditions, encourages research and funding for
improved diagnosis and management of albinism, and provides networking
for those with special interests related to albinism. NOAH constantly
provides information and support through various programs, workshops and
conferences, newsletters, support groups, its web site, television, newspaper
articles and a host of other ways. Visit
their site
Lupus Foundation of America (LFA)
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to
become hyperactive and attack normal tissue. Lupus can cause abnormalities
in the skin, making those afflicted with this disease particularly vulnerable
to the sun. The LFA is the largest organization in the world dedicated
to the improved detection of lupus through increased awareness, alleviation
of suffering through service and support and ultimately, the eradication
of lupus through research. This national organization is an alliance of
separately incorporated local chapters. Joining a local chapter for a
nominal fee also secures membership in the national organization. Visit
their site
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Safe sun habits are essential, especially for babies and children. A
baby's skin is thinner than adult skin and will burn faster. Two or more
blistering sunburns as a child or teen significantly increases the risk
of developing skin cancer later in life. The AAP offers advice for "Fun
in the Sun" as well as much more information on a broad variety of
questions you may have about the health of your child. The AAP and its
member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health,
safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
The AAP offers its support in many ways, including education, research,
publications and, community-based programs to improve health care. Visit
their site to discover what they have to offer your family.